
I'm so sorry, I've been promising you all this electives post for a while.
This year I am taking Trampoline and Tumbling and Schola (Latin Choir).
There are many different things homeschoolers can do.  There are kids who are taking pole jumping, drama, irish step, and karate!  Homeschoolers can also participate in public school electives!  

I really like T-N-T because of the form it's teaching me in roundoffs, back handsprings, and cartwheels!  I also enjoy the trampoline a lot.  I don't do crazy flips, but I hope to some day.
Schola is like choir, except in Latin.  We learn how to read gregorian chant, practice harmony and sing for Our Lord!!!  What could be better than that?!  :)

Last month we went to a homeschool sewing class.  we made aprons and it was a lot of fun.  My pattern was blue and white floral with red and white floral accents.

We cut out two square pockets...

two long straps for the neck tie...

and two straps for the waist tie.

Jacquie got creative with the scraps!

Here is Jacquie's finished product!

This week, we made infinity scarves!  They were super easy and fun!!! 

Our sewing instructor also showed us how to make some pretty hair bows!!  My favorite is the navy blue one with the pearl!

Here is the link to one of the hair bows

