A quick trip...

Hello everyone!

Happy Sunday!  I hope your day has been as beautiful as mine. :)  I wanted to share with you about this weekend!

On Friday my mom sister and I drove with some friends to go see Leah Darrow, a former model, and now speaker and apologist for the catholic faith at the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles!!!  I guess we had the most intimate meeting for her because my mom sister and friend got to show her over to our venue from the sister's chapel!!!  She is so sweet and full of the love of Our Lord!

Leah has an amazing conversion story and told us all about it.  She is an amazing speaker who relates to adults and teenagers alike.  She talked about true and imitation love, beauty and worth.  We do not need to be inappropriate to be loved or worth something.  God designed us the way we are and loves us that way.  The world is wrong about fashions and models.  You do not need to be naked or the hottest person to be loved.

Here are some things I took away from her talk about reclaiming beauty.
Only 4٪ of women and girls think that they are beautiful.

God created you VERY good.  He created  the earth, light, animals, and fish, and they were good, but man and woman, he created them and they were VERY good!  He made us in His image and He doesn't think Himself to be junk, so He couldn't create us to be junk.

God was the fist fashion designer!  In Genesis 3:21, God made clothes for Adam and Eve!  They had covered the most important parts, but they were still ashamed to come out before God!  He mad them clothes to cover up the rest of themselves because covering just the essentials was not enough.

Leah had so many other amazing things to say, but I can't cover them all.  She was inspiring.  If you have never read her story, please look it up!  They are re-doing her website, but it should be open in a little bit!  Check it out soon and sign up for e-mail up-dates! www.leahdarrow.com

It was a really short day retreat, but we had a lot of fun.  We drove back home Saturday evening and got home really late.  Us girls had fun squished in the back seat.

Today we sang for our own parishes' Tridentine Mass, and at the installation Mass of another priest as pastor at a different parish.  It has been a really full day.  We sang with two other men from a different choir which really rounded us out.  The bishop and other priests were there as well.  It was a truly beautiful Mass.  I am so blessed.

I would love to hear about your Sunday!  Comment or e-mail me!  God bless!


  1. Sarah, what a great story. I struggled so much with this as a teen and young adult. As I got older, I finally realized my God given beauty, but not before many mistakes trying to impress the world. What a wonderful ministry Leah has.

    Robyn Dolan, author "The Working Parent's Guide To Homeschooling"

    1. Thank you so much! Yes, I'm glad you found the beauty of modesty. May God bless you!


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