Climb Every Mountain....

(from The Sound of Music Live)

Greetings ladies and gents!

On Monday my family, dog, and friend went up to the mountains!  We were searching for a perfect picnic spot.  It was great fun since it was our dog, Clifford's, first time out of the city!  The weather was gorgeous in the high 70's/ low 80's. :)  I loved exploring one of the trails where there's a creek and lots of fallen logs. I walked one across the creek and said, "Do you dare me to walk the ridge poll?" ;)

Here are some pictures.
the visitors' center
Look! Wild horses!!!!! :D
It was really great.  We even saw wild horses! They were on the ski slopes and in the meadow. Can you see them in the pictures?

I hope you're having a great end to your summer!

God bless!


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