Let Fall Upon Earth A Shower of Roses

Hello friends,

Praised be Jesus Christ!  Today, as Emma @ Whiskers and Wildflowers reminded us, is the first day to begin the novena to St. Therese of Liseux who's feast day is on October 3rd in the 1962 missal calendar.

While she was on earth, St. Therese promised, "When I die, I will send down a shower of roses from the heavens, I will spend my heaven by doing good on earth."  As we pray this novena, let us ask St. Therese to send us a shower of roses by her prayers.  Look below at how St. Therese is given these roses by the sweet child Jesus.  This is why we ask St. Therese to pray for us!  We aren't praying to her, idolizing her, or worshiping her.  We know that she is in Heaven with our beloved Jesus and since she is there with Him, she can ask favors of Him for us! 

 So now we begin these nine days of prayer, asking St. Therese to interceded with Jesus on our behalf.  Please join me in praying to her for your own special intentions and she will present these prayers to Jesus.  Here is the link to the novena!  Novena to St. Therese of Liseux 

By the way, St. Therese is the patron Saint of florists, missionaries, France, and she is also one of my Confirmation Saints!

May God bless you and keep you!


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