Homeschooler of the Month: September

Hello all!

I'm so so so sooooo sorry I didn't have a homeschooler of the month for August.  That was THE busiest time of the summer with our trip, my birthday and birthday party, and starting school again. :O


This month I asked a friend of mine to be the Homeschooler of the Month!  Thank you so much Franco for accepting! :D

1) Introduce yourself!  Your name and age (if you don't mind)  When did 
you start homeschooling?  What are some of your life aspirations? 

Here is the fantastic heart pumping tale of one My name is Franco.  I am at the rightful old age of 17.  As a child, I went to school. Amazing, I know! So rare these days. I was         homeschooled from kindergarten till now, 12th grade. It's been great so far!
As a little boy, I had many interests. The two biggest being music and mechanical technologies. Those have been my main aspirations.

2) What curriculum do you use?  What is your favorite subject or part of 

Since I was in kindergarten I have used the same school curriculum, Mother of  Divine Grace (MODG). My favorite subject has always been mathematics. It's sorta been my forte throughout my school years. 
 3) What do you do for fun when you're not homeschooling? 

I have many things I enjoy outside of school. My hobbies consist of riding motorcycles, music, Tae 
Kwon Do, and just chilling with friends when I have the chance.   

 4) What kind of books do you read for fun? What book character do you most 
 relate to? 

When I read a book, I like to read action or deep writings from the saints. Both are my favorite kind. 
I cannot think of any particular character I can specifically relate too though. It would really depend
 on the book and the characters. 

 5) What is your plan for after high school?  Is college part of your plan? 
 If so, what college(s)? 
After high school, I would like to go to college and attend the University of Nebraska Lincoln. While there I want to major in Mechanical Tech and minor in music. I'm excited as the time for college quickly approaches. 
 6) What is one thing you'd like to do when you're grown up? (serious or 

When I am older, I really very much want to go skydiving. I've always wanted too. On a more serious note, I would like to build robots. Build drones, new weapons, and even robot prosthetic limbs for 
wounded soldiers. That has been a more recent dream of mine.
 7) Do you get any interesting questions when you tell people you're 
 homeschooled?  What are some? 

When people find out that I am homeschooled, the most common (and probably all time classic) question is if I have any friends. Truth! =p The second most common question is how homeschooling works over all, the very basics of how it works and why I like it. This I think is the most common among all homeschoolers.
 8) Who is your favorite Saint? 

 My favorite Saints are St. Maximilian Kolbe and St. Pio. They are also my confirmation saints. Both of them inspire me and act as good saintly role models to live by. 

9) What is the most memorable thing about homeschooling?  Do you have any 
 funny stories about homeschooling? 

I've always liked homeschooling. My favorite memory of being homeschooled is.....actually, I don't think I really have a favorite memory. Overall it's been a good deal for me. I've learned a lot and met some really cool people over my homeschooling years. It's been a good experience and wouldn't trade it. 
 10) What is your favorite bible verse? Do you have a favorite quote? 

As far as quotes, have two that are my favorites. The first is by none other than St. Padre Pio himself. I believe it goes like this, "Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will 
hear your prayer. Prayer is the best weapon we have. It is the key to God's heart. Walk cheerfully and with a sincere and open heart as long as you live." The second best quote that I can remember is from Bruce Lee, the famed martial artist. "A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool 
can learn from a wise answer." Both these quotes have offered me wisdom and guidance. I hope that 
for whoever reads them, it will do the same. 

 11) Do you have any advice for beginning homeschoolers or people 
 considering homeschooling? (from a student's perspective)

Alas, I have no specific advice to anyone starting homeschooling. All I can offer is the best of luck. Homeschooling is a great and wonderful thing. It opens up a whole new academic world and allows you to meet a bunch of new people in your area or (in my case) around the world.

Thank you so much Franco for answering my questions!  Do any of you all have some questions you'd like to ask homeschoolers?  I'd love if you would comment them!

Thanks so much for reading!  God bless!

PS.  This is for you, Franco.


  1. I love the quote "Pray, Hope, and Don't Worry." What exactly does one learn in Mechanical Tech? What kind of music do you like?


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