Some Thoughts on Anne and my Collection

Hello dear friends!  Today, I'd like to share some pictures of my very own humble Anne collection and some thoughts on why I find Anne to be my very favorite Kindred Spirit of literature.

Right now, my original copy of Anne of Green Gables is on loan to a kindred spirit but I still have a copy in my collection! It's the tall blue one and it's illustrated!
I made Anne's acquaintance when I was a little girl through a coloring book and the cartoon series, but it wasn't until I was 10 or so that I began reading Anne of Green Gables.   I tried it once when I was in 2nd grade I think, but I couldn't understand all the "mumbo jumbo" as Gil would call it.  When I did get my very own copy at Barnes & Noble, it came with a pretty little golden heart locket.  It was challenging but I finished it in about a year.  I would read it for a spell and then put it aside for long periods of time.  I wasn't the best novel reader when I was young.

Somehow, L.M. Montgomery drew me in and Anne and I became fast friends.  I loved how vivid the stories were.  Anne's imagination was very similar to my own.  I remember reading the scene in the Haunted Wood where Anne told Dianna the tales of ghosts and I was deliciously haunted. I didn't want to put it down.

I could also relate to all of Anne's scrapes.  My favorite line to quote of hers is, 
 "But have you ever noticed one encouraging thing about me, Marilla? I never make the same mistake twice"
 I am often making mistakes, getting into scrapes, and diving headlong into something before thinking about it so Anne and I have a lot in common in that regard.  I find her mishaps funny but I also love learning lessons alongside of her.

I believe Anne helped shape my character as I grew up.  Of course, out of my sister and I, I was more of the girly-girl, but as I read Anne, I found I was a hopeless romantic.  Pretty clothes, dances, and flowery poetry all sparked my interest.  But of course, they're not all Anne and I think about, unlike Ruby Gillis.  Anne is a hard worker.  She's dedicated to her cause and won't give up even when met with obstacles.  I try to do the same and I think we share the same fiery spirit that fuels our passions.  (We also share a dislike of geometry.😊)

Anne became a teacher.  She loved her students and they grew to love her.  She loved to feed their hungry little souls on the arts and see them grow into ambitious young men and women.  I love how in the books and the movies Anne takes time to know her students even outside of the classroom.  As a tutor myself, I admire Anne's love and care she had for her pupils.  Every day in the classroom might not be an easy one, you will always have Pringles and Pyes, but overall, teaching the young people is an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Not only was Anne a hopeless romantic over literature and poetry, but she also had dreams of a tall, dark, and handsome man.  She helped me form my ideals for a man, although they're not quite like her dream right out of a novel.  Even though I was so upset when she first refused Gilbert, I love how she came to realize just how much he meant to her and cared for her.

Anne valued true friendships, kindred spirits.  She taught me that to have good friends, you must be a good friend.  To be loyal and devoted.  She loved her friends and always wanted what was best for them.  And they loved her too.  Not because she was useful, or pretty, or smart, but because she was herself.  Anne didn't worry about what people thought of her but was just herself.  That doesn't mean she didn't let her imagination run away with her, but her wild imagination made her who she was.

A friend of mine painted this beautiful work for my high school graduation!  I just loved it the moment I laid eyes on it. 😍  It's one of my favorite quotes with my very own Anne artwork!! 💝

Anne loved to see the beauty in everything around her.  From The Lake of Shining Waters to Patty's Place and Rainbow Valley, Anne had an eye and great appreciation for the simple beauties of life.  She was always looking for them and appreciated them.  Now, when I see a lake at sunset or the woods of the north, I can't help but think of Anne.

Not pictured in my collection is my "I ❤Gilbert" pink wristband and photo print of Gil.
I hope you enjoyed reading my rambling thoughts on Anne.  I love her so dearly and count her as my best kindred sprit of literature.  There will always be a lot of Anne in me wherever I go and I'm so glad of that.

Did you grow up with Anne?  What impact has she made on your life?  Who is your dearest kindred spirit of literature?



  1. This is so nice Sarah, I love your collection! Our Dad once wen to PEI for work and brought us home mini dolls that we still treasure!

  2. Thank you, Grace!! Glad you liked it. Aww, that's so sweet and a wonderful memory!!

  3. Eeek!!! I love this post!!! Anne is such a wonderful character, there is no other like her! I, like you, started reading it when I was about in 2nd or 3rd grade, and didn't understand it, but when I was older I LOVED IT! It is my favorite book of all time! You have so many amazing collectables!!

    1. Thank you, MC!! <3 I'm so glad there are so many kindred spirits in the world.

  4. Eeeep love this!
    ~ Miss W


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