Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, dear friends!

I hope your day is filled with every good gift from above!  I am truly thankful for many good things this year.  I'm thankful for my grandparents who are in town, for being able to have dinner with family, for amazingly yummy food, for getting my driver's permit this week (eek! 😮), for my faith, my Church, for Jesus.  I'm thankful for so many things, both big and little, but it's so hard to go into all of them. (I'd be typing here forever...)

What are you thankful for?  Do you have any special plans for today?

Here is a creative list I'd like to challenge you to complete!

List 1 (or more than one thing) in each category!

Something soft

Someone you've known for a long time

Someone new

Thanksgiving food

Something red

Someone who's had a big impact on your life

Something made of/on paper

Dessert item

Activity or event

Something you use every day

I can't wait to see your answers!  Thank you for playing!

May God bless you and give you a safe and very happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy thanksgiving! Congrats on your permit--EEK! I hope that you had a wonderful thanksgiving day. :) We spent the afternoon with family and lots of food. :D I love your idea for a list...I will do it.

    Something soft: my blankets! I like blankets.

    Someone you've known for a long time: my grandparents. <3

    Someone new: a friend that I just got to know in July.

    Thanksgiving food: green bean casserole and my aunt's mac and cheese!

    Something red: Blood of Jesus that washed me white! :)

    Someone who's had a big impact on your life: my parents. Goodness, I am blessed with amazing parents. <3

    Something made of/on paper: letters and cards and notes from friends. <3

    Dessert item: CAKE!

    Activity or event:

    Something you use every day: hot water. (never knew how much I enjoy that until it's temporarily out of use!)

    1. Thank you! <3 Aww.. such wonderful blessings to be thankful for. I really never realized how much even fresh running water right on demand means! So glad you had a wonderful day! We spent it with family and yummy food too. I drove home in the dark! :O Thankfully it was only 5 mins. away and hardly any cars. ;)


  2. I just realized I left activity or event blank, lol, oops.
    Wonderful!! And congratulations--driving in dark the first few times...goodness!! Glad it was uneventful! ;)


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