Anne of Green Gables Week Kickoff Tag!

Hello dear friends!  I'm so excited it's Anne of Green Gables Week!!! Miss Evie is hosting this delightful week starting off with a tag.

1. How did you get introduced to Anne of Green Gables?
Growing up we had one VHS of the cartoon Anne of Green Gables, but we watched it over and over again.

At some point when I was little I also got a coloring book.  When I was in 2nd grade, I think, I borrowed Anne from my school library, but it was way too hard for me to understand.  It wasn't until I was about 10 years old when we went to Barnes & Noble and my sister and I each picked out one book, that I truly loved Anne and her delightful world.  Jacquie chose the book, Little Women, and I chose Anne of Green Gables.  It came with a pretty, heart locket. It took me a while to actually get through the book, but I always enjoyed reading it! I remember being a little scared when I first read about the haunted wood and being really sad when Matthew died.

2. Are you more like Anne or Diana? Why?
I would say I'm more like Anne.  Diana seems to worry a lot, she doesn't imagine as much, and she keeps a level head (most of the time). Anne and I are both overly romantic, exaggerate, have a bad temper, and are extremely dramatic.  But I also like to think we both have generous spirits, a contagious smile, and are great friends. :)

3. If Rachel Lydne called your hair as red as carrots how would you react? 
I would, well... I'm not quite sure.  "How dare you!" would probably be in my vocabulary.  It's not so much that I don't like the color red, but 'carrots' are rather undignified and they are orange, not red! 

4. Gilbert or Morgan Harris? 
Definitely Gilbert.  No questions asked!  :D

5. Honest opinion on the third Anne film. 
I like to say, "Don't judge a movie by it's book."  I like it as a movie.  The acting is good, the story plot is interesting, and I suppose I kind of like that it's a story of what the characters 'could be like'.  Of course, if I could change history, I would have made it just like the books.  I'm sad Kevin Sullivan didn't see too much movie worthy content in the rest of the books.  I absolutely would have loved to see Anne of Ingleside made into a movie.

6. Have you seen the New Anne film? 
If you're talking about the 4th Sullivan film, no, and I don't want to either.  I believe it might soil my love of Anne.  It may be a good movie but I'll stick with the first three.  Changing both the actors and the plot seems too drastic.  And, there's no Gilbert!!! (I may end up watching it someday since I have it...)

If there's some other newer film, no I haven't seen that either.

7. What in your own words is a Kindred Spirit?
A kindred spirit is a friend who is with you through thick and thin.  You can have fun with them whether you're rowing on the lake or just hanging out at home.  They will always defend you, be there for you, love you, and tell you the truth.  They don't mind your mistakes.  And especially to me, a kindred spirit will pray with you and for you!

8.  Movie Gilbert or Green Gables Fables Gilbert?

But I have to say the movie Gilbert portrayed by our dear Jonathan. <3  The way he talks, smiles, teases, and loves Anne is unrepeatable. (And that curly hair!)

9.  Does anyone know where we can watch Road to Avonlea online?

I think I remember seeing it on YouTube.

10. Favourite book cover? 

(and of course my first copy above!)

11. The Films or The Books?
I love both the films and the books dearly but you can never get any better than the real thing. So I would say the books. They go into such beautiful detail about every place, person, and thought.  The characters live on through the books and the imagination is such a wonderful tool to bring the books to life!  I love Gilbert and Anne's romance in the books. And also their friends. You get to know their friends on a very intimate level in the books that the movies can't reach.

Thank you for such great questions!  You can answer the tag and see others' answers over at Over the Hills!

God bless!


  1. It was fun reading your answers! It seems we have fairly similar opinions on the 3rd movie -- obviously it's nothing like the books, but it's a good movie. I actually did a post on it awhile back :)

    I've seen just a little bit of Green Gables Fables . . . should I continue it, then? ;)

    Hope you have a great day! :)

    1. I'll have to go look at that!

      I haven't seen all of the first season, more of the second season. If you don't mind the modern day approach, Roy with a man-bun, quite a bit of kissing between Anne and Gilbert, and have spare time, yes, they're really quite enjoyable!

      I like the episodes after Anne and Gilbert make up in season 2. They're just adorable together. :)

      You too!


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