Back to School!

Happy Epiphany everyone!

I thought I would post again about school since this is, "The Life of a Homeschooler" to get me (and you!) back in the mood for school! ;)

First of all...
Here is my Pinterest board for homeschooling! Follow Sarah B.'s board Homeschooling on Pinterest.

Now that it is a new year, here are some helpful tips for keeping up with your schoolwork that work for me.

1.  GET UP ON TIME!  It really does make a difference.  I am so much more motivated and energized in the morning.  Get up and do Math first (or your hardest, most time involving subject) to get it out of the way.
This is what I look like most every morning...

2.  Make a schedule!  Know what you have to do and how much time you have to do it.  It helps when you are in a curriculum that gives you a syllabus for all of your subjects during the week, but I like assigning all of my subjects to certain time periods during the day.  Make time for a one hour lunch break and make sure you work out each day involving classes and such (online or co-op).  If you can not complete a subject in the amount of time you gave yourself, stop and go on to the next subject.  You can come back and finish the ones you didn't earlier.

For example:
7:00am - 8:00am - Breakfast, make bed, ect.
8:00am - 9:00am - Math
9:00am - 10:00am - Latin
10:00am - 11:00am - Science
(so on and so forth)

3.  Make motivations (bribes) for yourself to help push you along and keep you up to date. Talk with your parents about  computer time, shopping trips, or time with friends for getting so much school done in a certain amount of time. (Of course my blog is a BIG motivation for me! ;))

4.  Like your school switch between favorite subjects and not so likable subjects. ;)

5. WATCH BLIMEY COW!!!  If you don't know what it is, click here.  Blimey cow is a group of siblings who release YouTube Videos every week about everyday random stuff (and of course homeschooling!)  They were homeschooled too.  (They are also great if you need a laugh for the day.) ;)
(From the video, "7 Lies About Homeschoolers". Click on the picture to see it bigger.  These guys are hilarious!)

6. And finally, PRAY!!!  Jesus will help you with all of your struggles, He is there to congratulate your AWESOME scores, and help you with that problem that just DOESN'T work.  I know from experience.  He is amazing when it comes to this.  Just trust Him, He will help you.   Say a short prayer.  I really CAN NOT stress this enough.

May God bless you and help you with your studies!  Comment below to give me your homeschooling motivational tips! 
<3, Sarah


  1. Sarah, the more we all hang out and I read your blog the more I realize you and I are so similar and Victoria and Jacquie are so similar! I am super ocd and always make schedules. I too started my mornings off with math to just get it out of the way;)

    1. Haha! Thanks! Yes. I always enjoy hanging out with the both of you, but we are very alike in many ways. ;) Yeah, the math in the morning is the best way.


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